Friday, October 17, 2014

The Effects of Chiropractic Care on Disc-related Sciatica
Posted by Greg Ingram, DC
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Some people are under the impression that chiropractic adjustments should be avoided by patients who are suffering from disc related sciatica. In fact, a few of the medical doctors I have worked with in the past have recommended that the patient avoid lumbar manipulation due to disc issues.   (I have actually seen this on referral scripts!)  This couldn’t be further from the truth.  In fact, according to a study published in Spine Journal in 2006, chiropractic treatment is a successful method of reducing and eliminating the acute lower back pain resulting from sciatica.  These results were derived from a random double-blind clinical trial on a set of more than one hundred patients experiencing severe pain and disc protrusions.

More specifically, nearly 55% of the patients receiving chiropractic care were relieved of radiating pain as compared to the 20% of patients from the group that received simulated, or “sham” chiropractic manipulation.  Additionally, 28% of the patients receiving care from chiropractors were free from the local pain as opposed to 6% of those that received simulated manipulations.

In conclusion, chiropractic care is more effective that other forms of sciatica treatment and has the added benefit of being free of side effects that many drugs can cause.

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