Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Reading Labels by Margaret Older, Lac
What are you looking for on a label?   They have so much information, lets break it down further.
            1. Read the list of ingredients.  Do you know what they all are?  If there is something that you have to look up to know what it is and then you are still not sure, don’t eat it. 
            2.  Look for the amounts of sugar and salt or sodium as well as fiber and fat.
The Recommended Daily Amount (RDA) of sodium for an average healthy adult is 2300 mg which is the equivalent of 1 teaspoon. 
Sugar may hide under many aliases: maltose, dextrose, fructose, honey, molasses and more.   There is no RDA for sugar but about 6 teaspoons per day for an adult woman and 8 for an adult man 
Fiber is beneficial to the whole digestive system as well as the heart.  You should eat 20- 35 grams per day for optimal health benefits.    

Fat comes in many forms.  Unsaturated are the healthier fats.  Avoid trans-fats and saturated fats, they raise “bad” cholesterol (LDL) and may lower “good”  (HDL) which is bad for your heart.  

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Understanding Blood Pressure posted by John P. Willits, DC
When your blood pressure is taken, 2 sounds are heard. The first is called Systolic, or top number. This is defined as the pressure reading in the arteries when the heart beats, or when the heart muscle contracts.
The bottom number called diastolic, measures the pressure in the arteries between heartbeats. This is when the heart muscle is resting.
Actually the lower reading is the more important of the two, but typically more attention is given to the systolic number. The numbers are recorded in millimeter of mercury (mg). The normal [or national average) is considered to be 120/80, though many people may have a "normal" pressure reading a little higher or lower.
Hypertension (high blood pressure) is considered any systolic reading over 140mg, and diastolic reading over 90mg. If your blood pressure is close or above these numbers consult your physician, medication may be necessary. Chiropractic care and Acupuncture has been known to lower blood pressure in some circumstances.

Monday, June 9, 2014

FOOD by: Margaret Older, L.Ac

Eating well should be easy.  With a constant stream of diet plans and conflicting studies on what is or isn’t healthy, it can seem difficult.
Lets try and simplify.
1.       Practice moderation.   
                     2.    ALWAYS read labels.  No matter what brand you use, or where  
                            you shop or even if is a product you have bought before. 
3.       Avoid processed food.  Yes, this does include fast food.        

Why moderation ? Here are some examples.  Too much protein can lead to kidney stress, dehydration, calcium loss, gout, high cholesterol and weight gain.   Too little protein can lead to muscle weakness / wasting, swelling due to water retention, low blood pressure, low heart rate anemia and liver problems.  The recommended daily intake for the average adult female is 46 grams and for the average adult male it is 56 grams.  (Number varies with weight and activity level)

Even water can cause problems.  Too much leads to a burden on your heart and circulatory system, kidney overwork that can cause permanent damage and diluted electrolyte levels.   Too little can cause dehydration ranging from mild to severe.   Dry, skin without elasticity, low blood pressure, light-headedness and rapid heart rate.    Over time, this can cause unconsciousness or delirium.