Monday, June 9, 2014

FOOD by: Margaret Older, L.Ac

Eating well should be easy.  With a constant stream of diet plans and conflicting studies on what is or isn’t healthy, it can seem difficult.
Lets try and simplify.
1.       Practice moderation.   
                     2.    ALWAYS read labels.  No matter what brand you use, or where  
                            you shop or even if is a product you have bought before. 
3.       Avoid processed food.  Yes, this does include fast food.        

Why moderation ? Here are some examples.  Too much protein can lead to kidney stress, dehydration, calcium loss, gout, high cholesterol and weight gain.   Too little protein can lead to muscle weakness / wasting, swelling due to water retention, low blood pressure, low heart rate anemia and liver problems.  The recommended daily intake for the average adult female is 46 grams and for the average adult male it is 56 grams.  (Number varies with weight and activity level)

Even water can cause problems.  Too much leads to a burden on your heart and circulatory system, kidney overwork that can cause permanent damage and diluted electrolyte levels.   Too little can cause dehydration ranging from mild to severe.   Dry, skin without elasticity, low blood pressure, light-headedness and rapid heart rate.    Over time, this can cause unconsciousness or delirium.  

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